Monday, June 5, 2017

Day 8 Mountain High Premium Coffee

Breakfast wouldn’t be complete – at least not for me – without a hot cup (or three) of coffee.
Where does coffee come from? Most people think about Brazil, Colombia, maybe even Kenya or Hawaii for the really nice stuff. But, behind the scenes Vietnam has been working its way up to #2 producer in the world and is the origin of this bag.

 Coffee used to be sold by the the pound, but in an effort to save money and/or increase profit the “pound” of coffee has worked its way down over the years from 16oz, to 14, to 12, 11, now even 10oz for some brands. 12oz seems to be the most common package size so at $1 for 6oz this is not a bad deal at all, coming in at $2.67 a pound, cheaper than anything in the grocery store.

 I made some in a French press, which is incidentally the best way to make coffee since you have complete control over both brewing time and water temperature (most electric drip coffeemakers don't get the water hot enough for proper extraction of the flavor, due to fear of hot coffee burn lawsuits). Also a French press can be fully disassembled and cleaned after each pot, avoiding any cross-contamination or off flavors.

The coffee was honestly not bad. The cup was pitch-black and full-bodied, with a powerful punch of caffeine. There was not much aroma upon opening the bag, and the cup had a nutty, dark taste. This is definitely not gourmet coffee. There's nothing bad here, but nothing really good here either.

Again though you have to take into account that this is by far the cheapest coffee I've seen. If you judge it by it's price it's actually pretty good.

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