Friday, June 2, 2017

Day 5 Banquet Brown 'N Serve Waffle Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and like anything else in life, shouldn’t cost more than a dollar. This was my mindset when I found myself hungry this morning in Dollar Tree.

I had the choice between the pancake and sausage breakfast or the waffle and sausage breakfast. I’ve always been a waffle person so I chose the latter.
This breakfast weighs in at an even 400 calories so if you’re calorie counting and don’t like to cook this is a great way to keep track of calories (and dollars!).

This breakfast proudly proclaims waffles made “from scratch” though I have no idea what this means since anything is “from scratch” if you trace it back far enough.

I was dismayed to find there was no syrup included for the waffles, nor were there any eggs (which I consider a critical breakfast component). I can see why the eggs were omitted for cost reasons but how much would a tablespoon of syrup cost?
The waffles weren’t bad, about like Eggo or any other frozen waffle, excellent taste though rendered slightly gummy by the microwave. If I eat this again, I’ll toast the waffles and microwave the sausage and potatoes.
Moving onto the sausage, a pork-turkey blend. Taste and texture were excellent, with a real country sausage flavor with notes of sage and black pepper. Top-notch stuff.
Turning next to the hash brown discs (or are they tater tots?). When I first examined the meal in the frozen state I initially thought the meal included four but one was stacked on top of another so I actually got five. They taste exactly like you would expect tater tots to taste, wonderful browned potato flavor with a hint of salt.

Overall, it's not bad! I would definitely buy it again and I feel like I got my dollar’s worth. 

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